How We Think

Effective Team-Building Activities for Remote and In-Person Teams

Written by Parvind | Sep 22, 2023 12:22:00 PM

When planning remote team-building activities, it's important to choose icebreakers that are inclusive and engaging. Here are a couple of icebreaker activities that can help remote employees feel included:

1. **Two Truths and a Lie:**
   - Have each team member, including remote employees, come up with two truths and one lie about themselves.
   - In a video conference or chat, take turns sharing these statements and having the rest of the team guess which statement is the lie.
   - This activity helps team members get to know each other on a personal level and encourages fun interactions.

2. **Virtual Scavenger Hunt:**
   - Create a list of items or clues related to your company, industry, or common interests.
   - Share the list with all team members, including remote employees.
   - Set a timer and have everyone search their homes or workspaces for the items on the list.
   - The first person or team to find all the items or solve all the clues wins.
   - It's a fun way to encourage collaboration and exploration.

3. **Pictionary or Charades:**
   - Use a virtual whiteboard or an online game platform to play Pictionary or Charades.
   - Divide your team into smaller groups and take turns acting out or drawing words or phrases.
   - Remote employees can participate by using video conferencing and holding up their drawings or acting out the clues.
   - This activity is not only fun but also helps improve communication and teamwork.

4. **Team Trivia Quiz:**
   - Prepare a trivia quiz with questions related to your company, industry, or general knowledge.
   - Use a quiz platform or a shared document to present the questions.
   - Split the team into smaller groups, including remote employees, and have them compete to answer the questions.
   - Keep score and announce a winning team at the end.

5. **Life Timeline:**
   - Ask each team member to create a visual timeline of their life, highlighting significant events or milestones.
   - Share these timelines in a virtual meeting and have team members explain their timelines.
   - This activity allows team members to learn about each other's backgrounds and interests.

6. **Virtual Escape Room:**
   - Choose a virtual escape room game or create your own using online puzzles and riddles.
   - Divide your team into smaller groups, including remote employees, and challenge them to work together to solve the puzzles and "escape."
   - It promotes problem-solving, collaboration, and team bonding.

7. **Virtual Talent Show:**

- Encourage team members, both in-office and remote, to showcase their unique talents in a virtual talent show.

- Allow participants to choose any talent they feel comfortable sharing, such as singing, dancing, playing an instrument, or performing a comedy skit.

- Organize a designated time for the talent show, either during a video conference or by having participants record and share their performances.

- This activity not only allows team members to showcase their individual skills and interests but also creates a fun and entertaining atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

8. **Remote Recipe Exchange:**

- Request team members to share their favorite recipes, whether it's a family recipe, a personal creation, or a dish they love to cook.

- Compile all the recipes into a shared document or email and distribute it to all team members.

- Encourage team members to try out each other's recipes and share their experiences or photos in a dedicated virtual space.

- This activity promotes cultural exchange, encourages creativity in the kitchen, and provides an opportunity for team members to connect through their shared love for food.

9. **Virtual Show and Tell:**

- Give team members, including remote employees, the opportunity to share something meaningful or interesting to them through a virtual show and tell session.

- Allow participants to choose an object, a photo, a piece of artwork, or anything they would like to share.

- Provide each participant with a few minutes to explain the significance of their chosen item and why it is important to them.

- This activity fosters personal connections, allows team members to learn more about each other's backgrounds and interests, and encourages open and meaningful conversations.

10. **Team Building Book Club:**

- Start a team-building book club where team members can read and discuss a selected book together.

- Choose a book that is relevant to your industry, personal growth, leadership, or any other topic of interest to the team.

- Set up regular virtual meetings to discuss the book, share insights, and engage in meaningful conversations.

- This activity not only promotes personal and professional growth but also encourages team members to bond over shared interests and ideas.

Remember, the key to successful remote team-building activities is to create an inclusive and engaging environment where all team members feel valued and connected. These additional icebreaker ideas provide opportunities for team members to express themselves, learn about each other, and build meaningful relationships, ultimately contributing to a positive and collaborative remote work culture.