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Actionable Data and Analytics for Fashion Brands

Custom reports

Profile visits 


Data file exports 

Order performance metrics 

Geography filters

Sales by retailer 

Inventory tracking

Production reports


Easy-to-read graphs 

In-platform dashboards



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Tailor Data to Your Needs

Gain insights tailored to your brand's unique wholesale operations, whether ready-to-wear or made-to-order.

  • Empower your sales team with customizable sales, production, and style reports in just a few clicks.
  • Seamlessly share custom reports across your organization to drive data-driven strategies.


Real-Time Order Visibility

Gain comprehensive tracking and management of in-progress orders.

  • Run allocation and budget reports across all orders to monitor sales targets.
  • Analyze assortment breakdowns early to adjust production and meet demand.

Intuitive Shopping Experience 15-1
Intuitive Shopping Experience 10

Key Metrics at Your Fingertips

  • Access essential data points through easy-to-read charts and graphs on your homepage.
  • Visualize performance metrics at a glance to gauge business health.
  • Customize widgets and filters by order date, retailer, linesheet, season, and sales rep.

Expand Your Reach with Discovery Tools

  • See which retailers viewed and favorited your profile to maximize leads.
  • Track profile visits from connected and unconnected retailers.
  • Identify favorited profiles to refine outreach strategies.

Intuitive Shopping Experience 16-1

Unlock Data-Driven Growth for Your Brand. Request a MapleSage Demo Today

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